Hello Bad Day Family!
This page is being provided to keep you updated on the most up to date news for each of The Bad Day Books.
Each book will be listed with the current status of what is happening and where we are at in the process.
Please, please refrain from emailing for updates on your submissions. There will be no individual updates given and responding to the hundreds of update requests I receive each week takes a large chunk of my limited working hours at this time.
***05/25/2024 UPDATE: Hello Friends. Thank you all for your well wishes for my family. After a scary several months with my son’s health I am happy to say that he has finally stabilized and life is beginning to return closed to normal than we have been in some time now. I have been able to spend a lot more time recently on The Bad Day Book again. As I began finalizing the stories for the four editions we are publishing next, I have learned that we are short on stories for each of those volumes. I am reopening the submissions for each of them. You can see the deadlines below or on the FAQ page. The rest of the editions are also still open with no set deadlines. That means I will not have any updates on the status on submissions for those editions until after they close… which again, is not set at this time. Now that I am back working updates will be posted much more frequently.
***02/26/2024 UPDATE: Next week a huge marketing campaign will begin running for Volume 1 which was released in the fall. Most all of that work is now done, freeing up more time for reading through submissions and the completion of a couple other projects. I have begun slowly going through the submissions for Parenting. What a joy it is to be reading your stories again. 🙂 It is still going much slower than I planned and anticipated as my son’s treatments are still not working as hoped. We are still spending lots of time in and out of hospitals and clinics. Thank you for your patience and your wonderful writing that is supporting me through this time.

***01/17/2024 UPDATE: I am excited to say that I have almost caught up on the hundreds of emails! I should finish responding to all emails requests by tomorrow. I have also had the opportunity to work a few hours on marketing and a few loose end projects I had been working on before the hiatus. I should be moving on to reviewing submissions next week. I will begin with Parenting and Teachers first. I still have no set timeline for how long that will take. I will keep you updated as I work through the process.
***12/30/2023 UPDATE: Hello all. At this time we have been at a standstill and are very behind on all previously posted deadlines. My son has been dealing with a critical health condition and for the past two months this has taken the entirety of my time and attention. I will be slowly getting back into things, but only with part-time hours to begin with. The next couple of weeks will be focused on marketing efforts for Volume 1, which I was unable to do right after publication. I will then continue with the selection process for the next four books (Parenting, Teachers, College Life, and Special Needs & Disabilities). I will do my best to keep you in the loop as we move forward. I truly appreciate your patience during this time. -Amilee Selfridge
Parenting: Submissions reopened! Get your stories submitted. This book is in the process.
Teachers: Submissions reopened! This book is also in process.
Special Needs & Disabilities & College Life: Submissions for these topics are also reopened until mid summer. They are next in line after the publications of Parenting and Teachers.
- Wedding: Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- On Vacation: Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- At Work: Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- Sports: Submissions Open- No set deadline
- Love (Dating, Marriage, Relationships): Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- Medical Caregivers: Submissions Open- No set deadline
- Teenage Years (Written by teenagers for teenagers): Submissions Open- No set deadline
- Kids (Written by kids for kids): Submissions Open- No set deadline
- Holidays (Birthdays, Christmas, etc): Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- Bad Days Gone Good (A serious take on bad days that are improved by something or someone in a positive manner): Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- Friendship: Submissions Open- No set deadline.
- General Volume 2 (Any topic listed above, except bad days gone good, plus any other bad days not covered in other books) Submissions Open.