Submit Your Story

Please click on the topic you would like to submit your story to below.

Before submitting a story or poem please carefully read through the Submission Guidelines on the FAQ page. This will answer your questions about all the story rules and familiarize you with the guidelines of submissions.

If you have technical difficulties while trying to submit story, please contact [email protected]

*Do not email any submissions, only technical concerns. All submissions must be completed through website

If you have already submitted a story or poem and are looking to change any story details or contact information please email [email protected]

We do not pay for submissions. We only pay for stories and poems that are published in books or on social media.

Please click on the topic you would like to submit your story to. You may submit each story to as many matching topics as you would like, but you must fill out a separate form for each topic.

***If you have previously submitted a story with our prior format (all submissions on one form) you do not need to resubmit on these new forms. ***

After you press the SUBMIT button: Do not close the screen. The page will scroll back to the top. Wait for a pop up message that says the following:
SUBMISSION SUCCESSFUL! We have your work in our system. Thank you!