About Us

What is The Bad Day Book?

The Bad Day Book is exactly what it sounds like. A book for bad days.

No matter how you look at it, some days are just bad days. Often times you are able to look back on those days and laugh about what happened. The Bad Day Book is here to help you take a step back and realize one day you may laugh about what is happening. Or, it might even help you realize that compared to others, maybe it isn’t really as bad of a day as you thought.

The Bad Day Book is a humorous de-motivational motivational book. A compilation of stories detailing different people’s funny bad days. The perfect gift to those you know who are having a bad day, or a pick-me up for your own rough times.

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To receive email notifications when new story topics open for contributor submission and submission deadlines click here

Submission Guidelines- Submitting a story

*To submit a story please visit Submit a Story

Are you presently accepting new stories?

We are presently accepting stories of all varieties and topics. We have multiple books in the works within the next two years.

Stories must be submitted through our website, on the Submit Your Story page, to be considered for publishing.

If you have any technical difficulties while submitting your work please email: [email protected]

Please answer all questions included on submission form, and don’t forget to attach your story file. After you submit the form a message will appear on the following screen saying that we have received your story or poem. The message says, “We have received your story! Your work is now in consideration. Thank you!” You will not receive any other confirmation or e-mail confirmation.

At this point in the process we are mainly interested in your story content. If your story is selected for publication, we will work with you for editing and formatting.

What are the current submission deadlines for new stories?

Please view the following list to find the submissions deadlines for the different book topics

  • Teachers: Submissions reopened- Closing August 15th, 2024.
  • College Life: Submissions reopened- Closing August 30th, 2024
  • Special Needs & Disabilities: Submissions reopened- Closing August 30th, 2024
  • Wedding: No set submission deadline.
  • On Vacation: No set submission deadline.
  • At Work: No set submission deadline.
  • Sports: No set submission deadline.
  • Love (Dating, Marriage, Relationships): No set submission deadline.
  • Medical Caregivers: No set submission deadline.
  • Teenage Years (Written by teenagers for teenagers): No set submission deadline.
  • Kids (Written by kids for kids): No set submission deadline.
  • Holidays (Birthdays, Christmas, etc): No set submission deadline.
  • Bad Days Gone Good (A serious take on bad days that are improved by something or someone in a positive manner): No set submission deadline.
  • Friendship: No set submission deadline.
  • General Volume 2 (Any topic listed above, except bad days gone good, plus any other bad days not covered in other books) No set submission deadline.

We maintain the right to change or adjust any submission deadline to an earlier or later date. Notification for any deadline change or change will be provided a minimum of 7 days prior to the new deadline date.

Please subscribe to our contributor email list to have all submission dates and/or changes emailed directly to you. Click here to subscribe

What are the rules for story submissions?

  • Stories should be about bad things, but that are still funny. We are not looking to include tragic or heart breaking stories. This book is to get others to laugh, gasp, and cringe.
  • Stories MUST be personal and true events that have already happened. No AI bot stories. No creative writing. No fiction.
  • We prefer stories under 1200 words. We will consider works up to 1500 words, but it is rare to have works picked that are over the preferred 1200.
  • Stories should be written with first person narration and told in past tense.
  • Do not include any vulgarity, controversial topics, politics, sex/drugs, drinking, illegal activities, curse/crass/crude words. This is a family friendly publication.
  • Though many bad days are caused by a “villain”, whether it be a person/company, do not name drop or tear down others. Focus the story on what happens directly to you and not the people on the other end. We will not publish works that are written to tear others down, even if they have done shady stuff. You may refer to others as friends, coworkers, family member, pen names or a vague descriptor.
  • Stories should include a beginning, middle, and an end. Begin straight in the action; no introductions to the story are necessary. Make sure you conclude your story, but please do not end the story with any recap. It’s always best to end with a laugh.
  • Only submit a story once to each theme you would like it considered for. (Stories submitted more than once per theme will be deleted.)
  • Poems must tell a story.
  • We do not pay for submissions, only for published works.
  • We do not accept all submitted stories to be published. Though not all submissions will be published in books, some will be accepted for social media publication.
  • If your story is selected to be published in one of our books or social media, you will be asked to sign a permission release contract. The contract will allow The Bad Day Book rights to publish your story.
    • You maintain copyright under your name
    • License will grant The Bad Day Book exclusive rights for 12 months, with permission to use story in later editions as well. (Not exclusively-Written permission from author will be required for other uses)
    • After the 12 months author may self-publish in any form (book, blog, etc) without making any changes to story or referencing The Bad Day Book.
    • After 12 months author may publish with any third-party any rewritten variation of this story/life experience. No reference to The Bad Day Book required.
  • Please do not contact us to ask for an update about your story, we will not be providing individual updates on submissions made. Only contact us if you need to know whether we are considering your work because another publisher is interested in it too.
  • If your story is not selected for any of the variations you have requested, you will be notified if we would like to hold the submission for a different book edition or if The Bad Day Book with be passing on your story.
  • We will not consider previous published stories, with one exception being previously published stories from personal blog publications.
  • Author name can be shown as first name only, first and last name, or a pen name if you would prefer to not use your real name

Can I submit more than one story per book topic?

We have no limit to the number of stories that can be submitted to any given book. We also do not limit the number of different book editions you choose to submit your work to. Please submit once to each individual edition you desire to be considered for.

When will I be notified if my story submission has been selected?

Stories will not be reviewed until the posted submission deadline. You will be notified 30-45 days after the submission deadline if your work has been selected for publication. You will receive separate notifications for each edition you have submissions to.

Can I submit my story to other publications?

Yes, but please notify us that your story is being submitted to other publications as well. If your story is chosen to be published with another publication please notify us to remove your submission for consideration for The Bad Day Book.

Do I receive payment for contributing a story?

Yes. All stories 199 words or under words will be paid $40 for publication. All stories 200 words and over will be paid $75 for publication. If your submission is chosen to be published in more than one publication you will receive separate payment for each publication your work is published in. You will also be provided with 2 paperback copies of each publication with your published work. All books and monetary payments will be provided 30-45 days after book publication.

*We do not pay for submissions. We only pay for stories that are published in books or on social media.

Can I use Artificial Intelligence or Bots to write my story?

No. Stories must be true stories that happened to you. Use of artificial intelligence or bots will result in legal action and fines.

Can I submit a story if I live outside of the United States of America?

Yes. We will consider stories, written in English, submitted from anywhere in the world.

How do I update current contact information for a story or poem that has already been submitted?

If you have submitted a story or have been previously published, and would like to update your current contact information please email: [email protected]

General Guidelines

Can I use, quote, or reprint stories from The Bad Day Book?

Any unauthorized resell or reuse of The Bad Day Book Stories is prohibited. Our books and individual stories are copyright-protected. One time reprint or excerpt use may be permitted. Please contact us to request permission: [email protected] (fees may apply)

How do I request an interview for The Bad Day Book?

Please email us at [email protected] to request an interview.

Can I request an interview with an individual contributor of The
Bad Day Book?

Certain contributors and writers are available for interviews. Please provide book title, story name, and author name in an email to [email protected] to see if an interview can be scheduled.

Do you offer members of the press review copies of The Bad Day Book?

Yes. If you would like to reserve a review copy of The Bad Day Book please email [email protected]. (Proof of press membership required)

How do I request a high-res image for reviews or stories written about The Bad Day Book?

If you are in need of a high-res image for any review or story you are writing about The Bad Day Book please email us at: [email protected]